Fire & Explosion Risk Analysis (FERA)

Fire & Explosion Risk Assessment will be carried out for the JAWA 9 & 10 Coal Fired Steam Power Plant 2 x 1000 MW Capacity in Suralaya Cilegon.

Fire safety is just one of many safety issues management must address to minimize the risk of injury or death to staff or the public. Fire has the potential to injure or kill large numbers of people very quickly. While, Explosion is a gas expansion that happens rapidly, releasing energy intensity that often generate noises, high temperatures and fragments, and generates a pressure wave so fast or the occurrence of a quake.

An  improvement  after  Assessment  at Facilities  related  to  Fire  and  Explosion  Risk  can potentially bring significant benefit for business. Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment is one of a key for safety working area and ensure reliability of your assets.

The facilities in which flammable and combustible materials are handled or stored should be designed,  operated,  and  maintained  so  that  the  consequence  of  any  possible  of  fire  and explosion are kept to a minimum, whether in normal operation or otherwise, with regard to frequency, duration and quantity.

Fire & Explosion Risk Analysis (FERA) is delivered as quantitative analysis to demonstrate the risk ranking for each area in the facility, the acceptable risk level based on ALARP Methodology

The objectives of this study are:

  • Develop Hazardous Area Classification (HAC) Schedule to identify the specific radius and extent area of  the  potential  release  source  equipment  based  on  Hazardous  Area  Classification (HAC) methodology.
  • Identify the Major Accident Hazard (MAH) related to material properties, process hazards and potential fire and explosion scenarios based on Dow’s Fire & Explosion Index (Dow F&EI) methodology.
  • Elaborate Fire & Explosion Risk Analysis (FERA) using quantitative approach related to event frequency, probability and consequence impact based on Center of Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) methodology.
  • Evaluate risk results in order to comply with tolerable risk value in As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) region  and  develop  recommendation  to  perform risk  reduction  if required.

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  Jl. Bukit Hijau VIII. No.31

  Pondok Indah 

  Jakarta Selatan 12310

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M-F : 8.00am - 17.00pm