Environmental Aspect Regulation

The issuance of Government Regulation (PP) No. 22 Year 2021 Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management has an impact on the Environmental Document Preparation Process until the issuance of environmental approvals. If the initiator is going to make changes to the environmental approval, this means that at the initial stage, there will be an arrangement of the Directive on the Determination of Changes in the Environmental Approval as regulated in Articles 89 to 84 of PP No. 22 Year 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management. Screening can be done independently or ask for assistance from the Environmental Service Related to Determining Directions for Changes in Environmental Agreements. The output of this activity is the Change of Environmental Approval without Preparation of Environmental Documents or Changes of Environmental Approval accompanied by Preparation of Environmental Documents.

Changes in Environmental Approval Accompanied by Preparation of Environmental Documents have 3 possible types of environmental documents that are prepared, namely (a) UKL-UPL Form, (b) ANDAL and RKL-RPL Addendum Documents, or (3) New AMDAL Document. Management of Changes in Environmental Approval through the Preparation of UKL-UPL Forms will follow the provisions of Articles 57-62 of PP No. 22 Year 2021. Application for Changes in Environmental approval by compiling the ANDAL and RKL-RPL Addendum Documents will follow the provisions in Articles 96-98 of PP No. 22 Year 2021. The amendments to environmental approvals, which are accompanied by AMDAL documents, follow the provisions in Articles 25-38 and 39-51 of PP No. 22 Year 2021.

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