Safety Distance Study


Safety Distance Study is conducted to review the exposure of the hazard from hydrocarbon fire &explosion and toxic release from process facility to adjacent population area. Buffer Zone Assessment Study is delivered as quantitative analysis to demonstrate the safety distance  analysis  (fire  zone,  restricted  area  and  impacted  area)  of  Refineries  Facilities and societal  risk  for  each  adjacent  population  area,  the  acceptable  risk  level  based  on  ALARP methodology.

The study is conducted to:

  1. Identify the  impact  of  fires  and  explosions  consequence  to  be  represented  as  safety distance of fire zone, restricted area and impacted area (buffer zone)
  2. Elaborate Fire &  Explosion  Risk  Analysis  (FERA)  using  quantitative  approach  related  to event frequency, probability and consequence impact based on Center of Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) methodology.
  3. Develop societal  risk  contours  and  F-N  Curve  for  potential  hazards  within  Refineries Facilities as well as interaction with its surrounding population areas.
  4. Evaluate risk results in order to comply with tolerable risk value in As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP)  region  and  develop  recommendation  to  perform  risk  reduction  if required.

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